Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Tooth and Claw.2
Tweaked the positions a little, centred the moon and shifted queenie and wolfie around a little based on that.
Friday, 19 April 2013
Cover 19: Tooth and Claw
From the start I had a good idea of what I wanted this cover to look like. An image I found through a google search gave me some inspiration:
So a blue colour scheme with a prominent moon. My main worry is that the cover is a little empty, and perhaps it is a little too blue. However I am pleased with the way it looks in general, and I have learned a lot about using multiple masks to tie images together in one colour scheme.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Cover 18: New Earth
This was a tricky cover to do, the lack of good quality pictures for the main characters/ elements limited what I could do, leading me to use pictures from the Doctor Who Experience, and mocking Cassandra up using a picture from The End of the World and a toy f Cassandra from this story. I will probably be back to redo this one pending feedback, but I want to move on to Tooth and Claw soon because I have a good idea of what I want the cover to look like, if the images are available.
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Thursday, 11 April 2013
The Christmas Invasion FINAL
The glow around The Doctor has been evened out and I've tinkered with the label colouring as well as the Santa, which despite my best efforts still sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm not going to get any better than this though, so it's time to put this cover to rest and move on to New Earth.
Christmas Invasion pic
I've has a request for a pic of the Christmas Invasion artwork minus the dvd cover. Due to the way I created the dvd cover it was necessary for me to mock this up. It's not as good as the dvd version, due to the resizing of the background and the way the position of the spaceship has changed due to this, but here it is:
Cover 17: The Christmas Invasion
I really enjoyed making this cover. I had a little trouble finding a background, but the one of the London estates with people on the roof seemed appropriate. The sticker was originally going to advertise the Children in Need special 2005 as an extra, but the picture of David Tennant didn't sit right with me, and taking inspiration from the Tim Baker "Robot" cover, I decided to advertise it as David's first story, as his Doctor is equal in popularity to Tom's at the very least. I think the 3 characters on the front need something, not sure what. I'll probably tweak it and upload a final version later.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Boom Town -- FINAL COVER
After asking the forum what I should do about my Boom Town cover problems, I was surprised to see a positive reaction to the second redesigned cover with the TARDIS on it; it is a great image, but I was initially wondering how to include other images with it for the cover. I was advised not to, and whilst it has a few imperfections I think it works. As I flipped the image around, it took me hours to revers the Police Box sign and make it fit the right way around!
So, it looks like I am done with series 1. I might come back and redo my cover for The Long Game and Dalek in future, but I am itching to try my hand at some Tennant stories. The Christmas Invasion is coming next!
So, it looks like I am done with series 1. I might come back and redo my cover for The Long Game and Dalek in future, but I am itching to try my hand at some Tennant stories. The Christmas Invasion is coming next!
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Boom Town TEST
I really don't know where I'm going where I'm going with my Boom Town cover. Once I created the first one I thought it was a little uninteresting. However, I don't know how to go about an interesting cover without being too similar to what has gone before. The problem with the second cover is that the angle of it makes it difficult to add any other images.

Monday, 8 April 2013
Return of the splosion!
More feedback for my last cover from the forums of which I am a member! Here's a version with the explosion back in :
Parting of the Ways Version 3 Work In Progress
Here's my 3rd attempt at a decent cover for Parting of the ways. The map of the Gamestation from my first cover has returned, and with different pictures of Rose and Jack I felt it was necessary to lose the hologram Doctor for a "proper" one. Not sure how to finish it off though.
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Parting of the Ways V2
As my first cover(s) for Parting of the ways drew criticism for being too busy, small images and an overall lack of composition, I removed several elements, and tried harder to implement more of a colour scheme. After a google search I found a great image of a red starry sky, and I made more of the explosion in the background, so that it became a bigger part of the cover. I also took my own screencap of Jack shooting at the Daleks for inclusion and Rose's worrying time playing The Weakest Link, to reflect a bit more of the story.
Friday, 5 April 2013
Series One - The Complete Collection
Now that I have finally created covers for the whole of Series One, I can show off what the complete collection looks like! Of course, I may change some covers in the future, but for now I highly doubt I will revisit these covers any time soon. They've taken me long enough to do as it is and I'm quite happy with them as they are :)
Cover 16: Parting Of The Ways
A trying cover to create! I hope I have done well, I looked at some other covers and tried to be different by adding some of the gameshow elements from episode 1 (a.k.a. Bad Wolf) such as the BB camera and Trin-E and ZuZannah, as well as including the Game Station (a.k.a. Satellite 5). I was going to include images of Lynda with a 'Y' and Rose playing The Weakest link, but they cluttered it up somewhat. I HAD to include hologram-Doc though :)
More Daleks in this version:
More Daleks in this version:
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Boom Town V2
Much better than my first attempt, I realised that it would be nice to have something in or near the centre of the image, so used a picture of the Blon Fel-Fotch Passaday Slitheen's egg, with the TARDIS from the climax of the episode behind it and also separating Rose and Mickey, which I felt appropriate to include. This episode focuses on 2 relationships: on a larger scale, that between The Doctor and his foes, and on a smaller scale, the relationship between Rose and Mickey, which is really called into question here. There is also the general theme of giving people that second chance, which I mentioned in the blurb. A simple cover for a simple yet effective episode (plot holes aside)
The Empty Child 4
Still tweaking, still getting negative response. Hopefully this will lighten the cover a bit, which covers previous complaints. Hopefully it is a little more balanced also.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
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