Friday 10 May 2013

More Work In Progress Stuff - Taking A Break

I am experiencing something of a block when it comes to covers right now, the inspiration isn't there and I am at a loss for what to do. So I have decided to take a break from covers for a while and return to finish School Reunion, tweak Girl in the Fireplace and do Rise of the Cybermen onwards.

Meanwhile, here's something I started working on for Nightmare In Silver, based on a promotional image featured in a few online reviews --

I need to overlay the 2 Doctors on the ones in the picture, but as I feel burned out, right now isn't the time to do it.

Saturday 4 May 2013

TGITFP WIP - Learning to Blend

I'm getting better at blending, thanks to some advice from a certain forum and some online tutorials, I am making serious headway with my cover for The Girl In The Fireplace. Here's a version with Reinette added.

Another Cover Art Work In Progress

I'm not sure what I want to do next cover-wise, I'm leaving School Reunion for the time being, and have started work on Rise of the Cybermen. I have also started The Girl In The Fireplace, this image of what I have done so far represents my basic idea of splitting the house and space/ the spaceship, although I am trying to find a better way of doing it.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

School Reunion - back to the drawing board

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been so busy lately!

After looking at some tips on dvd cover composition I decided to start my school reunion cover from scratch. Given the greenness of the Skasis Paradigm workings on the school computers, and the green walls of the school interior in places I have decided to use that paradigm cube as a centrepiece and green as the colour scheme. This is still work in progress, the outer edges of the background will eventually be changed and there are more characters etc to add yet, but I'll get there. I'm also unhappy with Rose, but its the largest picture of her I can find for this story.