Monday 18 November 2013

Children In Need 2013

By wearing my costume into work I raised £140.01 for Children In Need! I even played the recorder during my lunch break :)

And a couple of photoshops for fun:

Thursday 7 November 2013

The Science of Doctor Who!

Just seen an advert for this programme to be aired in a couple of weeks time, featuring Brian Cox and 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi, plus a nifty BBC2 TARDIS logo:

Wednesday 23 October 2013

My Doctor Who Costume - Nearly complete!

I now have the faux fur coat, my jacket has been altered to have smaller lapels and the right number of buttons on the front and sleeves. I have also bought a spotty handkerchief to complete the look. Bear in mind that the trousers are temporary whilst I seek some inexpensive houndstooth trousers. My recorder is coming in the post this week and I should have a penlight for my sonic screwdriver soon! Here are pictures of me in costume, with and without coat.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Troughton Costume - The Recorder!

Here's a cheap alternative to buying a geniune Moeck recorder for £35.00+ on ebay etc -- buy this one for £5.99 with free postage! Im getting mine tomorrow!

Thursday 19 September 2013

Troughton Costume - The Coat!

Here's me in my Troughton Costume last night, after receiving my coat in the post. The coat hasn't been altered yet, I still need to change the buttons etc. It's only really a minor detail anyway, as due to the coat's shape I will most likely not be doing said buttons up.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Troughton Costume Progress

A lot has happened since my last costume update. I have the shoes, the shirt, the bow tie, the trousers and I am waiting on a mornign coat in the post. I even have an umbrella!
I may get a new shirt with larger collar, and wider braces that I can decorate to look like Troughton's, but otherwise I am all set! All I need are the extras! (recorder, diary etc.)

Failed Doctor Who Concepts - The Sales Dalek

The first in a series of cartoons I am drawing.Subverting scrpits is fun :)

Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Idiot's Lantern

Here it is, the finished cover for The Idiot's Lantern!

I had trouble coming up with the background, but am fairly satisfied with this one, which is orange overlaid onto some clouds merged with tv static.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Idiot's Lantern Stage 2: Bolts or No Bolts?

My Idiot's Lantern cover is really taking shape now, I have a placeholder background of plain orange whilst I am working with the foreground images, as it is the colour I want to use for the "ribbon" on the bottom of the DVD cover. I am undecided on whether or not to include the red bolts that are the Wire in its true form, but if I do, then I will probably move on to working on the background. If I don't, I will look for at least 1 more image I can use for the cover. I have a good feeling about this cover either way.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Lost Data Is Lost

I have had to reboot my computer copmpletey, losing all my files in the process. However I am still going on with my plan to do a dvd cover for every new series story, and here I go again with making a cover for The Idiot's Lantern.

My artwork template has changed; I decided to use a canvas the same size as the front cover of a dvd case, with the position of the R2 window and its centre marked out. I feel that this will help me to plan whenever I feel like overlapping the R2 template. I like the wire lightning bolts and the faceless Rose. the concentric circles will eventually be much less opaque, here they are at 100% opacity so I can see them clearly whilst I lay out the characters. Not sure where to go from here so I will take a break and browse for more images.

Sunday 4 August 2013

The Idiot's Lantern Work In Progress

Having trouble with this one, images of the faceless people are very hard to come by, so I might have to mock some up. Here's Muswell Hill and The Wire as a starting point.

Peter Capaldi is the 12th Doctor!

And here is a quick mock up of a template for dvd covers :)

Saturday 13 July 2013

12th Doctor Cotume: THE SHIRT AND COAT!

I am coming so close to completing my costume! I may need bigger trousers though, but I am also waiting on the suspenders, a pen light, the shoes and a pack of cards. The recorder in the picture is temporary, I will need to decorate it or find a more accurate one.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Patrick Troughton Costume: THE SHOES

I currently have a bid on some shoes on ebay which I think would be a great addition to my costume. I'm not sure if they're 100% accurate but they look the part, which is what counts in my book. And if I don't win them? The search continues. Hope I do though...

Tuesday 9 July 2013

My Patrick Troughton Costume: Step 1: The Trousers

This is the first in some non-DVD items for the blog; which will be given their own section soon.

I managed to get tickets for the 50th anniversary convention yesterday, woop woop! I will be going to the convention on the 22nd of November. But who to go as? I have decided that , due to my stature and my personal preferences, I would like to go as the 2nd Doctor.

So far I have ordered some plaid trousers from Ebay, which should be here by Thursday the 11th. I also have some red braces coming my way, and I am also bidding on a black frock coat.

I will upload pictures of my costume as I get more pieces, and a pic of me in the full outfit when it is completed!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Rise of the Cybermen - tweaks

I have added some more cybermen and a pink/purple hue behind the Cybus logo.


Tuesday 2 July 2013

Rise of the Cybermen Cover

Here is my cover for Rise of the Cybermen, I still want something to go in the bottom right area of the cover, but this looks okay until I can think of something to use.

Monday 1 July 2013

Rise of the Cybermen - Work In Progress Cover

Here's the cover as it stands, I need to do some more work on Ten and Rose, and I need to find something else to put on the bottom right hand corner, but it's getting there.

Thursday 27 June 2013

IE Truck

Here's a mockup of an International Electromatics truck I did for my cover for the story. It isn't good enough to be used, but I like it all the same :)

Rise of the Cybermen Work In Progress

Not sure what to add to this cover, but I will get there.

Monday 10 June 2013

School Reunion - NEW

A much better attempt at a School Reunion cover than my last, I am not happy with the pictures below the Skasis Paradigm though. K9 seems fine to me, the problem lies with the Krillitane which IMO looks awkward. However there aren't many good images of Krillitanes to be had so this is something I may have to let slide.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

School Reunion - Fresh Attempt (Work In Progress)

Here is what I have so far for another attempt at a cover for School Reunion. I've decided on a green colour scheme for this one, to go with the colour of the Skasis Paradigm symbols. Not sure what else I could add to finish it. I'm thinking of Sarah's white car that Mickey drives into the school, or maybe a drum of Krillitane Oil...

The Girl In The Fireplace - Huge Nova DVD Cover

New artwork with huge supernova in DVD R2 template:

TGITFP: HUGE Supernova!

I have just discovered how to do a huge supernova, bigger than any I have done before, which I think improves the cover dramatically!

The Girl In The Fireplace

Now with added Doctor and Louis

Friday 10 May 2013

More Work In Progress Stuff - Taking A Break

I am experiencing something of a block when it comes to covers right now, the inspiration isn't there and I am at a loss for what to do. So I have decided to take a break from covers for a while and return to finish School Reunion, tweak Girl in the Fireplace and do Rise of the Cybermen onwards.

Meanwhile, here's something I started working on for Nightmare In Silver, based on a promotional image featured in a few online reviews --

I need to overlay the 2 Doctors on the ones in the picture, but as I feel burned out, right now isn't the time to do it.

Saturday 4 May 2013

TGITFP WIP - Learning to Blend

I'm getting better at blending, thanks to some advice from a certain forum and some online tutorials, I am making serious headway with my cover for The Girl In The Fireplace. Here's a version with Reinette added.

Another Cover Art Work In Progress

I'm not sure what I want to do next cover-wise, I'm leaving School Reunion for the time being, and have started work on Rise of the Cybermen. I have also started The Girl In The Fireplace, this image of what I have done so far represents my basic idea of splitting the house and space/ the spaceship, although I am trying to find a better way of doing it.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

School Reunion - back to the drawing board

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been so busy lately!

After looking at some tips on dvd cover composition I decided to start my school reunion cover from scratch. Given the greenness of the Skasis Paradigm workings on the school computers, and the green walls of the school interior in places I have decided to use that paradigm cube as a centrepiece and green as the colour scheme. This is still work in progress, the outer edges of the background will eventually be changed and there are more characters etc to add yet, but I'll get there. I'm also unhappy with Rose, but its the largest picture of her I can find for this story.

Sunday 21 April 2013

11th Doctor Icon

My take on an icon for The Eleventh Doctor, for use on future DVD covers.