Thursday 11 April 2013

The Christmas Invasion FINAL

The glow around The Doctor has been evened out and I've tinkered with the label colouring as well as the Santa, which despite my best efforts still sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm not going to get any better than this though, so it's time to put this cover to rest and move on to New Earth.




  1. Hey :)

    I love your covers and you've inspired me to have a go at my own. I was wondering how you go about adding the font and the shadow/bevel etc. A quick guide would be hugely appreciated!


    1. Sorry for the delay in replying Lewis, I should really make notifications for when I get comments!

      I use GIMP to do my covers, once I have done text I use the font tool to create the font in a different layer. I then use GIMP's effects to add the shadow and bevel -- the shadow would be in the light/ shadow section of the effects tab, and the bevel would be in the decor section of the same tab. Sorry, I'm only guessing at the moment because I currently have no laptop!
